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Why is a logo important?

Aug 09, 2022

Besides your business name, your logo is the very first thing that your clients or prospective clients will see.

"A logo is a visual representation of your business. It’s your brand and is how you’re identified."

When I was in college I worked at several jobs, one of my most memorable was working at a preschool. I taught a class of four and five-year-olds but often interacted with the two to three-year-olds in the class nearby. In that classroom, there was a little boy who was very smart. He was too young to read words, but could definitely recognize businesses by their logo. I remember one day a teacher sat him down and placed three bags in front of him; one from McDonald’s, Chic-Fil-A, and Burger King. He knew where each bag came from! How did he know that? He was able to identify the name of the business by the logo. That is why it is important to have a logo that people will associate with your business.

Let’s play a little game called “What business is that?” Game rules are simple: think of the name of the business the logo belongs to.

These are some of the most recognizable brands in the world. In order of placement, the logos belong to:
  • Apple
  • McDonald’s
  • Nike
  • Starbucks

If you guessed them correctly you get a free high-five. Did you get it? Good! Here are 2 reasons why a logo is important.

  1. How clients identify you: A logo is a visual representation of your business, sometimes without even using words. It’s someone’s first impression of your product, service, and brand. Your logo will speak for you when you can’t use words. Your logo will help people remember who you are and what you do.
  2. Lead the way for branding: A well-designed logo will lead the way on how you market your business. Let’s say your logo is orange, it wouldn’t be a good idea to print your marketing material (flyers, posters, t-shirts, etc.) in purple unless it was a color associated with your logo. Keeping colors consistent with your logo will help you keep a consistent color scheme. This will help you become more recognizable. What’s the color of Wal-Mart’s logo? Blue. What color shirts do the employees wear? Blue. A logo speaks for you when you can’t use words.